Protecting Our Water
Garbage & Yard WasteGarbage Services
Republic Services will provide solid waste service for City of Battle Creek’s residents starting April 1st, 2021
Collection 101
- Place Garbage / Recycle / Yard Waste Bins out to the curb before 6:00 am the day of your pickup.
- Return all bins before 9:00 am the day after pickup.
- Keep all bins clean and in good repair.
- If you own any vacant lots be sure to take care of any accumulated garbage.
- Take care of accumulated garbage within 7 days.
Bulk Pick-up
- Mattresses and box springs must be bagged. Plastic bags available at UPS store: $3.75 (Twin size) to $6.00 (King size).
- Accepted Items: Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, furniture
- All appliances must have doors removed.
- All refrigerators and/or air conditioners must have the Freon removed by a licensed technician.
- These items must be tagged by the technician.
- These items will NOT be picked up without the tag.
- Any rubber tires should NOT be placed in these bins.
No pickup on these holidays
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
For holidays, pickup is delayed 1 day the rest of the week.
Trash and Yard Waste Cart Rentals
(rates subject to annual price increases)
Call for rental and service related issues
Republic Services
Safety First
- Don’t put garbage out weighing more than 50-lbs.
- Garbage may not be more than 4-feet long.
- Do NOT place sharps / needles in any of these bins!
- Do NOT put hazardous chemicals in these bins: Oils, paints, turpentine, or batteries
Hazardous Waste is not accepted at any time
Only through county HHW recycling events
Interactive Trash & Recycling Map
Find out what day your trash and or recycling will be picked up. Battle Creek residents only.
Yard Waste Services
Begins April 7 & ends December 5, 2025
Michigan law states, effective April 1, 1995, PA264 Sections 18a (2) prohibits yard waste material from being placed in landfills
Because of this law, the following 3 options are available:
- Mulch your grass back into your lawn.
- Compost your grass & leaves at your home.
- Place your yard waste into an appropriate container & Waste Management will pick it up at the curb next to your trash and recycling bins.
More Information
Yard waste includes
- Leaves, grass clippings & garden debris
- Shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings
- Must be less than 4 feet long & 2 inches in diameter
- Must be bundled
- Put yard waste in separate container or use the specified paper bags (as described on the front). Do not use plastic bags!
Alternate Drop Off Location
Brice Pit 715 W. River Road
Winter Hours: 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Monday–Friday;
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday
Closed on Sunday
Summer Hours: 7:30 am – 7:00 pm Monday–Friday;
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday
Closed on Sunday
No contractor dumping
Appropriate Containers
- Yard Waste Cart Rental is $39/year (rates subject to annual price increases)
- Kraft 2-Ply paper bags specifically for yard waste (available at local stores)
- Use your own container up to 32-gallons. Or any container over 32-gallons suitable for mechanical dumping.
- These containers MUST BE labeled with a sticker “Yard Waste Only” and easily read from the street.
- Stickers are available for free at the Department of Public Works 150 South Kendall St., Battle Creek
- Maximum weight is NOT to exceed 50 lbs.
Yard Waste can not be put in the trash bin at any time
Remember – no plastic bags
Spring/Fall Clean-up
These events are for Battle Creek Neighbors only.
Spring Cleanup
May 19-23, 2025
Fall Cleanup
September 8-12, 2025
Accepted Items
Accepts up to 10 cubic yards of construction Waste at curb on your normal pickup day.
- Household Doors and Windows
- Mattress & Box springs (Must be bagged in plastic)
- Carpeting & Brush (Cut to 4 ft lengths and bundled less than a foot in diameter)
- Toys
- Household Furnishings: Desks, side tables, chairs
- Misc. Rubbish/Junk
- Packaging
Please make sure there are no loose small items that can blow away. If you can bag it, please do so.
Items NOT Accepted
- Freon appliances (Refrigerators, Freezers, Dehumidifiers)
- Electronics (Computers, Printers, Monitors & Accessories)
- Televisions
- Tires
- Oil, Gasoline, Antifreeze
- Batteries
- Florescent light bulbs
- Chemicals, Paints, Solvents, Pesticides, Herbicides, Other HHW
- Concrete
- Iron, Steel, Cast Iron Bathtubs
- Stumps
- Medical waste
These not accepted items need to be disposed of properly through our recycling events. See our Event calendar for our Electronics, HHW, Scrap Tire collection dates.
REAL Christmas Tree Curbside Pick-up
December 26, 2023 – January 26, 2024
December 26, 2024 – January 24, 2025
Place tree at curb on your garbage pickup day. If your tree exceeds 6 foot, it must be cut in half.