Protecting Our Water
RecyclingReduce. Reuse. Recycle.
You make the difference.
Republic Services provides solid waste services for City of Battle Creek’s residents
Recycle These Items Curbside
Keep items loose – do NOT put into bags. Clean and dry all items!
- Milk/juice cartons
- Junk mail
- Magazines
- Flattened cardboard
- Only food containers & household cleaner plastics #1–#7
– No toys, buckets or totes are accepted - Metal cans
- Clamshell containers
- Glass jars/bottles
- Remove glass jar lids (recycle them, too!)
Three Basics of Recycling
Recycle clean bottles, cans, paper and cardboard
Keep food and liquid out of your recycling
No loose plastic bags and no bagged recyclables
Discard These Items
- Used straws and lids
- Dirty styrofoam
- Any broken or dirty items
- Plastic ziplock bags
- Wrapping paper
- Receipts
- Greasy boxes
- Tissue/Paper Towels
- All wrappers
- Hangers
- Food scraps
- Diapers

The following information is for Battle Creek residents only.
Interactive Trash & Recycling Map
Find out what day your trash and or recycling will be picked up.
Battle Creek Recycling Guide & Calendar
Find out what you can include in the recycling bin and when it will be picked up. Battle Creek residents only.
No pickup on these holidays
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
For holidays, pickup is delayed 1 day the rest of the week.
Visit these websites for more information and tips/events for recycling other items:

The following information is for all Calhoun County residents.
Drop-off Recycling Center
C&C Landfill
14800 P Drive N., Marshall
Marshall Recycling Center
13300 15 Mile Rd, Marshall
Frequently Asked Questions
Is shredded paper accepted in my curbside cart?
NO. While the paper is recyclable, when it’s shredded, it can litter the recycling collection center and damage machinery. Bagged shredded paper is also not accepted. Consider composting the paper or using it as mulch around plants. Also, small scraps of paper like receipts should not be placed in your curbside cart.
Should I bag my newspapers, magazines and junk mail?
NO. It may seem like you are helping out by pre-sorting your materials, but all recycling must be loose in the cart.
Can I recycle plastic bags and films (like the wraps around water bottles and paper towels) if they have a recycling symbol?
NO. Plastic bags and films are not accepted in the City of Battle Creek’s curbside carts. These materials can damage sorting machinery, causing costly shutdowns and repairs. These materials can be taken to Meijer stores for recycling or you can check for other recycling options. Meijer also accepts: bread bags, newspaper bags, zipper food storage bags, salt bags, ice bags and cereal bags.
Should I leave the caps on plastic bottles and milk jugs?
YES. Leave the caps on plastic bottles and jugs or throw them in the trash. The small caps are recyclable, but when loose they can be difficult to sort and can damage sorting machinery.
Can I recycle cardboard from frozen meals and pop and beer 12-pack cases?
YES. Be sure the cardboard is free of any food residue and flattened. If there is food or grease on the cardboard, dispose in trash.
Can I recycle drink cartons like those used for orange juice and almond milk?
YES. Be sure the cartons are rinsed and dry. And, you can leave the plastic pour spout attached.
Is my paper coffee or drink cup recyclable?
NO. These cups have a plastic coating which make the material unusable for recycling. These need to go in the trash.
Can I recycle broken dishes or window glass?
NO. Only glass used for food or beverages can be recycled.
Can I recycle the inside wrapping paper tubes?
YES. The inside tubes of paper towels or wrapping paper are recyclable. However the wrapping paper is not.
Can I recycle the heavy pressboard material used for shipping around my stove or heavier appliances?
NO. Heavy pressboard material like that used in shipping to protect the sides and corners of heavy appliances or the tubes that cling plastic wrap come on are not recyclable.
Can I recycle my paperback novels/books?
YES. Paperback books can be recycled in your curbside cart.
NOTE: Hardcover books must have cover and binder removed and thrown away. You can recycle the paper materials on the inside.
Can I recycle items in my curbside cart that have a recycling symbol but aren’t listed as Plastics #1-7, paper, cardboard, glass, metal food containers?
NO. The City’s program can only accept the items listed in our informational handouts. Other items such as plastic toys, packing materials, Styrofoam, plastic bags, etc., may be recyclable in other programs, but are not accepted in the City’s curbside program. See the Calhoun County Recycling Guide for other recycling options in the County.
Should I crush my metal cans, plastic drink bottles and milk jugs before placing them in the recycling cart?
NO. The optical sorting equipment that is used in the recycling facilities can better recognize the materials when they are not flattened, so leaving them clean, dry and uncrushed is best. Cardboard and paperboard should continue to be flattened, though.
Is it really important that my recyclables are clean and dry?
YES. Food and liquids can contaminate the materials in the recycling cart, turning them into trash, and creating unsanitary conditions and attracting pests.
Can I recycle metal or plastic hangers in my curbside cart?
NO. The wire or plastic can get caught in the sorting machinery and cause damage to the equipment. Other “tanglers” that don’t belong in your cart are: cords, hoses, strings of lights and clothing.
Are aerosol cans accepted in our recycling carts?
NO. While the metal is recyclable, the contents are under pressure and should be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste collection event where the cans can be safely handled for recycling. The City of Battle Creek and Calhoun County have several hazardous waste collections during the year. Save your cans and other hazardous waste in a safe place and visit our Events page or the Calhoun County website for collection event dates.
Can I recycle paper plates, napkins and paper towels?
NO. These items belong in the trash.
Do I need to remove the plastic windows on envelopes and staples and tape from my papers?
NO. Plastic windows, staples and tapes are removed during the pulping process, so no need to remove them before recycling.
Can I put recyclables on top of or next to the cart if my cart is full?
NO. Recyclables must fit in the cart with the lid closed. The automated collection arm on the truck can’t retrieve items placed outside of the cart, and materials can get wet and contaminated if the lid is not closed. Keep the inside of the cart clean and dry to avoid costly contamination to the program.
I still have questions about recycling. Is there someone I can call for recycling help?
YES. The City of Battle Creek’s Environmental Services Department is here to help. Call Patty at (269) 966-3355 ext. 1878 or Bessie at (269) 966-3355 ext. 1889 with your recycling questions.
Extra Recycling Info
Alternate Polystyrene Collection Locations
Biz Aid LLC
90 Darling Drive, Coldwater, MI
Visit Biz Aid website
Dart Container
432 Hogsback Road, Mason, MI
Eaton County Recycling Center (CARA)
201 Hall Street, Charlotte, MI
Recycling Jackson
1401 N. Brown Street, Jackson, MI
Michigan Lamp Bulb Recycling Locations
People can purchase boxes to ship items to be recycled. For more info or to request a kit, visit
- Batteries Plus in B.C. takes bulbs & batteries for a fee
- Kalamazoo County HHW Center takes bulbs & batteries for a fee.
- Lowes Home Improvement
- County Recycling Events takes bulbs & batteries for free.