ABOUT our water
Surface vs. GroundwaterSurface Water vs. Groundwater
Water can be found on the Earth’s surface (surface water) or under the Earth’s surface (groundwater). Characteristics of both are listed below.
Surface Water
- Water present in lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, snow, glaciers, and rainfall
- Connected to groundwater via springs, wells, unconfined aquifers
Click on the illustration to zoom.
Click on the illustration to zoom.
- Water present underground, filling cracks and open spaces in sand, gravel and rock
- Rain and snow soak into the ground, recharging the groundwater supply
- Makes up nearly 50% of the drinking water in the State of Michigan
- Pollutants dumped on the ground or into an uncapped well can seep into groundwater, making it unsafe to use and costly or impossible to remediate

Krazy for the Kazoo volunteers cleaning out the road near the Kalamazoo River–thanks guys!
Questions or comments about this web site, general comments or questions, or to report polluting activities: beploeg@battlecreekmi.gov or pjhoch@battlecreekmi.gov
Battle Creek
Department of Public Works
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